isabela world family crew

Hello from Isabela | World Family Crew

Hello everyone! My name is Isabela, it’s nice to meet you! I feel lucky and proud to have grown up in Hong Kong, though both of my parents are originally from the sunny, beautiful islands of the Philippines.

A friend told me about the Disney Telephone English (TE) program and encouraged me to try it out since I love Disney so much – As I already had a passion for teaching English, TE is the perfect fit for me!

While I am still quite new to WF, I have really enjoyed speaking to all the boys and girls and having all of you sing along with me. One of my most memorable calls so far, was with a child who especially loved the collection of birthday songs so despite his birthday being 5 months away, his family and I sang him all the birthday songs, and he was so happy about it and I loved it too! I love how interactive Telephone English is, not just with the children, but with the parents as well. The families get so into the songs, and we share a short, but very sweet moment together. It’s so special to hear the whole family enjoy the songs and sing along with their children.

I’m so grateful to be a part of the WFC family because everyone has been very welcoming, and the community has been so warm. It’s also a great feeling to be welcomed multiple times a day by the different families who share the same enthusiasm and excitement we give to their children. World Family does a great job in sharing the joy of learning in music and Disney magic and I am so happy to be a part of it. I look forward to speaking to more wonderful boys and girls soon!




一位朋友向我介紹了寰宇家庭俱樂部的電話美語 (TE) 工作,因為我非常喜歡迪士尼,所以他很鼓勵我嘗試一下。我本來已經對英語教學充滿熱情,所以TE這個角色真的非常適合我!雖然我剛加入寰宇家庭不久但我非常喜歡和小朋友一起聊天和唱歌。到目前為止,我最難忘的電話之一是一位特別喜歡生日歌的小男孩。雖然還有5個月才是他的生日,他的家人和我還是和他一起唱了所有的生日歌曲,他因此非常高興,同時也讓我感到很歡欣!我喜歡電話美語的互動性,不僅能與小朋友互動,還可以與父母互動。一家人一起投入在這些歌曲中,分享短暫但非常美好的親子時刻。聽到全家人一起與小男孩唱歌,令我非常感動。


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