
2014年畢業典禮 【畢業生方森分享】

Hello everyone, my name is Alfred Fong, and I am 5 years old. I am very happy to be graduating today; I would also like to say congratulations to all the other graduates here today. The theme of our graduation, be my friend, is very important to me. My Mammy and Daddy always remind me to be friendly to others because if you are friendly to others, they will be friendly to you.

I’d like to tell you a little bit about myself, I love to play rugby with my friends, run track and field with my daddy. I have been using the World Family product since I was 4 months old; one of my favorite toys to play with are the Play Along! ball and my favorite characters are Max and Clem – they’re funny.

World Family English has helped me so much, and it gave me the power to read talk along cards when I was only 1 and a half years old and I could read when I was 2 years and 10 months old. It has really built a good foundation for my English and it is very useful for me. I love it.

Ladies and Gentlemen, please join me in witnessing the graduating class of Disney’s World of English 2014.


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